Monday, October 26, 2009

Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom

Ahn'kahet Old Kingdom
Before you start, be sure to pick up the extra daily quest outside the instance near the meeting stone. When you enter the instance, the first mobs you come across are the Ahn’kahar Watchers, they’re a carbon copy of the Ahn’kahar Slashers, who have three abilities: cleave, Enrage, and Triple Slash. Triple Slash seems to have an infinite range, which under normal circumstances doesn’t matter, but hey, now you know. Upon death the Watchers will drop a Ahn’kahar Watcher's Corpse, which if you were paying attention, is needed for the quest. The Deep Crawler’s have two abilities: Glutinous Poison, which causes all abilities to cost 25% more, and Fatal Sting which is a dot that they will cast when they get low on health.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


The first group you’ll run into is a Anub’ar Webspinner and a Anub’ar Warrior, the Webspinners will cast Web Wrap on a random party member, DPS can attack the web once it’s formed to break it, but the member is rooted until that happens. The next pull will have a Anub’ar Skirmisher, they have a Fixate attack which causes them to lock onto a member of your party, increases their attack speed by 50%, and makes them immune to taunt for 8 seconds, which, unsurprisingly, will insta-gib a clothie. If you have a rogue or hunter ask them to use Tranquilizing Shot or Anesthetic Poison. If you don’t, stun, stun, and lots of stun, most DPS know to kill them first, but throw up a skull anyway.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Utgarde Keep

Immediately in front of you when you enter the instance will be the first pull, which is two Dragonflayer Ironhelms, nothing spectacular, they do have Second Wind though. Beyond that you’ll see 7 mobs, a mix of Dragonflayer Metalworkers and Dragonflayer Weaponsmiths, there will be two metalworkers at each anvil, and the 3 weaponsmiths will walk around, crossing between the two anvils, and going back behind the anvils to the weapon racks, pulling these can be a bit tricky depending on where they’re standing, don’t be ashamed to take your time. The Weaponsmiths can stun and disarm, and the Metalworkers have an enrage.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Nexus

First off, head down the left corridor, somewhere in that corridor will be either an Azure Magus or an Azure Warder. Reflect the Frostbolts the Magus’ cast. The next set of mobs is two Mage Slayers with one Mage Hunter Ascendant. The Mage Slayers are demon dogs who will cast Draw Magic, which increases their damage by 50%. If they both cast it, you can get some “What? I died?” moments. The Mage Hunter Ascendant will be one of three different kinds of mob, arcane, frost, or fire. The Frost Variety will cast Freezing Trap which will cause you to lose aggro, so try to avoid the trap. They all will cast Aura of Arcane Haste, which should be removed.