Friday, June 26, 2009

Blogging, the start

Hey, everyone. Welcome to my first blog, which is all about the tanking aspect of World of Warcraft. For now I'll be using Blogspot to host my blogging entries, but I think I'll eventually switch over to Wordpress or some other blogging software. Maybe then, I'll have some time to think of a more creative name for my blogging site—but we'll worry about that later. :) Anyways, I'll be releasing some entries in the near future, which is going to be less about theorycrafting and numbers and more about playing style, guild relations, the emotional points of tanking—maybe a few numbers and whatever once in a while. I'll also focus more on heroics and Naxxramas than the end-game content. Lastly, I'll try to keep this mostly about the beginning phases of tanking, which is a very rough time because, speaking from experience, you're constantly being told you don't have enough of XYZ stat to tank. In case you're wondering, I have an Alliance warrior—Vivilros on Lightning's Blade—which isn't necessarily the best geared, in the best guild, or doing the best content, but I enjoy her all the same. Anyway, enough talking, and let the tanking discussion begin!


  1. Hey, thanks for the link in the warrior forum earlier. I'll be sure to visit here and comment more often

  2. Heh, no problem, glad to see I'm getting comments that aren't me testing the comment system :P

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